Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements


Best Practices

  /  Best Practices

Student Quality Circle (SQCs)


    1. To improve the quality of teaching learning process in the educational institute.
    2. To provide opportunity to students to analyze and solve their own problems.
    3. To change the attitude of students towards the institute, from “I can’t change” to “I can change”.
    4. To ensure holistic development through additional skills like brainstorming, problem solving, suggesting, etc.
    5. To promote the morale and motivation levels of students.
    6. To develop team spirit among students.


SQC are self-managed groups, guided by students and backed by support and resources from faculty and head of the institute. Typically comprising all class representatives and a student as the student quality leader. SQC convenes meetings twice per semester, under the supervision of a teacher in- charge. Members engage in discussions aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning. The expectations of both students and faculty are aligned, fostering a supportive environment conducive to learning based on suggestions.


  1. SQC meetings are held twice in each semester at the end of lectures and timings for the same are fixed in advance by the members and teacher in charge.
  2. The committee brainstorms to identify the problems, analyze its root cause and arrive at possible solutions or recommendations.
  3. These recommendations are then presented to the higher authorities i.e. Principal and the Management, who either accept or reject the recommendations. The reasons for rejection are also communicated to the committee members.
  4. The management simultaneously implements the decision.
  5. The SQC members are recognized & awarded for providing solutions and recommendations thus enhancing the morale of the students.