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Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

  /  Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)


The primary objective of the Internal Complaint Committee is to prevent Sexual Harassment of women and girl students at the workplace. The objectives are as given below:

  1. To evolve a permanent mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender-based violence at the Institute.
  2. To ensure the implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
  3. To uphold the commitment of the Institute to provide an environment free of gender-based discrimination
  4. To create a secure physical and social environment to deter any act of sexual harassment.
  5. To promote a social and psychological environment to raise awareness on sexual harassment in its various forms.
  6. To conduct periodical programs on women empowerment.
  7. To provide a conducive environment and congenial atmosphere for both girl students and faculty members.


Ensure fair investigation of sexual harassment complaints from students, faculty, staff, and visitors of M V Mandali’s Colleges of Commerce & Science both on campus and at college-sponsored events. Recommend actions, support complainants, and promote prevention measures.

Composition of Internal Complaint Committee are:

Sr. No. Name of the Member Position
1 Ms. Dhanalaxmi Salian Presiding Officer
2 Adv. Nagesh Mendon Management Representative
3 Ms. Soumya Kutty Member
4 Ms. Pavitra Acharya Member
5 Ms. Sharvari Student Member
6 Mr. Elumalai Student Member
7 Mr. Alamin Student Member
8 Mr. Sachin Yekhe Member
9 Mr. Mohan Salian Member