MVMIS offers admissions to Primary, Middle Secondary and Higher Secondary Class IX, subject to the availability of seats and eligibility.
Obtaining the Application Form:
Parents who wish to apply for admission should obtain the hard copy of the brochure or online brochure and Application Form on payment of prescribed fees.
Criteria for submission of Application Form:
- Obtain Application Form and Brochure from the School on payment of prescribed value.
- Duly completed Application Form must be submitted in the School Office on or before the stipulated date.
The documents appended below should be submitted with the Application Form:
- Attested photocopy of Birth Certificate.
- Original School Leaving Certificate and Report Card.
- 5 coloured passport size photographs of the child.
- Certificate from a General Practitioner certifying general health of the child.
- KYC documents (attested photocopy of AADHAR card/Passport of parents).
- In case of a transfer, an Original Transfer Certificate should be submitted at the time of admission.
- Any other document which may be required.
Original documents with the attested photocopies should be made available to the School Admission Committee.
It is clarified that mere submission of an Application Form does not guarantee admission to the school.
Applications Form