The new CBSE system does away with the practice of awarding grades and replaces it with marks. Scholastic performance evaluated through written examinations will carry greater weightage than the combination of periodic tests, notebook submission, and subject enrichment activity.
We aim to bring about uniformity in the pattern of examination.
1. Parameters of assessment
a. Scholastic performance
Both marks and grades will be awarded for individual subjects
b. Co-scholastic performance
Grades will be awarded for nonscholastic performance in three categories – Work Education (or prevocational education), Art Education, and Health and Physical Education.
c. Discipline
Grades will be awarded to students after evaluating their commitment to discipline, which includes attendance, sincerity, behavior, and values.
2. Weightage and examination pattern
a. For class IX
The pattern of examination is similar to that of class X. Out of a total of 100 marks, 80 marks have been assigned to written exams while the remaining 20 have been divided between three disciplines: periodic tests (10 marks), notebook submission (5 marks) and subject enrichment activity (5 marks).
b. For classes I to VIII
Classes VI to VIII will have the same format of assessment. However, a class year has been divided into two Terms. So, students of these classes will have to appear for exams twice a year, i.e., at the end of each Term. While questions in the Term 1 exam will be based on the syllabus covered during that term, a certain percentage of questions in the Term 2 exam will be based on the Term 1 syllabus.
- A uniform assessment system will help students whose parents have transferable jobs to migrate from one school to another easily.
- The marking system will motivate students better than the grading system, as students get a concrete idea of where they stand.
- The pattern of examinations under this system will prepare students to handle the heavy academic workload of classes XI and XII.